SENG-NE Structured Networking Session
Structured and semi-structured virtual (Zoom) networking. Email PDF versions of business cards and be prepared to deliver a 60 second introduction elevator speech to introduce yourself and what, if any, kind of position and types of connections you are looking for. Register by December 14. Please send enlarged PDF image of business card, front and back to by December 15.
5:00 Open networking
5:15 Welcome and announcements
5:30 Expert Guest - professional development topic
5:45 Semi-structured networking with 1-2 minute pitches; Virtual B-card exchange
Admission Pricing
SENG for Life Members $35
Gold Members $25
Emerald Members Free
Guests $35
*NOTE: You may need the SENG Site Password to reach the membership login screen.
If you have NOT already activated your new membership account since September 2021, then click the button to pull up membership activation instructions in a separate window.