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Interviewing Workshop: Engagement Challenges of the Executive Interviewing Process

Every engagement you have during your job search needs to be viewed as a possible “interview”. Networking meetings frequently turn into an interview. But understanding the interview process in total, INCLUDING THE EXTERNAL INTERVIEW PROCESS, the importance of preparation, the balance between “telling” and “listening” are all key. Yet, assessing your fit versus expectations are part of your due diligence and is part of gaining insight. Being able to answer the Elephant-in-the-Room questions.

Session with Facilitator in a small group via Zoom with prework to get the best learning.

Register by November 16. Prework is due to by Novenber 17.

Workshop Prep Required:

1) Recall your most recent interview events, use the INTERVIEW PROCESS TEMPLATE on page 3 (will be provided) to identify the various parts

2) Email to a PDF of Networking Brief or Page 1 of your Resume

3) Prepare to deliver your 30-45 second elevator speech starting with your Brand Positioning/Value Proposition statement

4) Prepare to discuss how you have used or plan to use insights from an A-Player to improve your Interviewing Process

5) Prepare your written answer to one tough interview question. For example, “Why did you leave your previous employer?” or “Why are you still looking?”

If this is the first SENG-NE workshop for are attending, then also bring the following:

6) Write down your 30 - 45 second elevator speech; email to

7) Email your Business Cards + Tag Line (If you don’t have one as of yet, provide your planned design format)


Admission Pricing

SENG for Life Members $39
Gold Members $35
Emerald Members $35

*NOTE: You may need the SENG Site Password to reach the membership login screen.


If you have NOT already activated your new membership account since September 2021, then click the button to pull up membership activation instructions in a separate window.

November 12


November 18