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Networking Workshop: Building and Maintaining a Powerful C-Suite Network

Building and maintaining your network that has access to the Powerful C-Suite requires strategic targeting of company and industry influencers. To change industries, which is so often desired by job searchers, requires this type of effective network. It's not only about receiving; it’s essential to “give back” to these A-Players in very specific ways. Creating your own interpersonal charisma and brand will change the network dynamics whereby you are being sought for the bigger jobs!

Session with Facilitator in a small group via Zoom with prework to get the best learning.

Register by March 27. Prework is due to by March 30.

Workshop Prep Required :

1) Bring your list of A-Players and their Industries

2) Send PDF screen shot of your LinkedIn profile

3) Send screen shot of a LinkedIn recommendation

4) Send a PDF version of your B-Card (front + back) and Tag Line

5) For 1 A-Player, think critically, in detail about how you would want to be approached by that person if situations were reversed

If this is the first SENG-NE workshop for are attending, then also bring the following:

6) Send PDF written version of your elevator speech/value proposition (30-45 seconds)

7) Send PDF of your resume


Admission Pricing

SENG For Life Members* $39

Gold Members $35

*Upon first event registration, you need the SENG For Life password to reach the ‘Activate Membership’ login screen. Contact to get your alumni status confirmed so you can get the SENG For Life password. Once your account is set up, you won’t need the password to register.


If you have NOT activated your membership account since September 2021, then you need to reactivate through Click the ‘Activate Membership’ button here to jump to the Activate buttons at the bottom of the Membership page on which you land.

March 10


April 14